Mingxue (Mercy) Xu

"Loyal to the Truth."


Imperial College London

South Kensington Campus

London, UK

Hi there:D

I am a second-year PhD at Imperial College London, luckily supervised by Prof. Danilo P. Mandić. My current research interests are Tensor-based solutions to Deep Neural Network Compression and Finance Modelling.

Previously, I obtained my BEng at China University of Petroleum - Beijing. My MEng was at University of Science and Technology of China, under the supervision of Prof. Xiang-Yang Li. Both my BEng and MEng are in Computer Science and Technology. Also I did an internship at Baidu PaddlePaddle.


Jul 4, 2023 Manuscript TensorGPT: Efficient Compression of the Embedding Layer in LLMs based on the Tensor-Train Decomposition is available online.
Jul 2, 2023 Private Training Set Inspection in MLaaS is featured by Montreal AI Ethics Institute, for the details please drop in here.
Mar 28, 2023 Co-authored paper at Baidu, PaddlePaddle: A Production-Oriented Deep Learning Platform Facilitating the Competency of Enterprises, is available online.
Jan 29, 2023 Manuscript Data Origin Inference in Machine Learning is available online (code included).